Firm, supple and fresh skin is everyone’s wishes. Today, it’s more convenient to find the right treatment for your skin because of the different procedures available. The latest technology in aesthetic introduces Ultherapy, a non-surgical procedure to tighten sagging skin on your cheek, under the chin and eyebrow.

Know more and fall in love with the procedure. Let’s find out what Ultherapy can do for you to stay young and attractive.

Ultherapy is a treatment using micro-focused ultrasound energy that naturally tighten your skin. This technology triggers collagen production in your body, to restore elasticity and tighten sagging skin. Collagen is a natural protein produced by our body, which maintains skin elasticity.

What’s the advantage of Ultherapy? The micro-focused ultrasound technology used in the procedure enables the doctors to see the tissues which requires treatment and produce maximum result. Unlike other technologies, Ultherapy is able to penetrate the skin layer and bring the ultrasound energy with the right temperature to the right part and trigger collagen regeneration.

The effect is different for each patient. Some are able to see the difference right away, while others see perfection in 2-3 months because collagen generally needs some time to naturally tighten your skin. Most patients only need one treatment which lasts for a year.

So, when do we begin Ultherapy? You can start the treatment as young as 25 years old. Most people might feel sagging skin and seeing fine lines in early 30s. Yet, it’s never too early to start giving the best for your skin. This non-surgical procedure is better done on skin which only start showing early aging signs. When skin is still elastic, and only need a little boost to produce more collagen. If you find sagging skin, especially on your cheek, under the chin and neck, this might be time for Ultherapy.

Ultherapy has no downtime and you can go back doing what you love immediately. This procedure is cleared, proven and save by the United States of America Food and Drugs Administration. Aging brings unique changes to each individual. Don’t ignore small changes that happen to your skin today.