Preventing Dull Skin This Rainy Season

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Sudden change of weather isn’t the only thing you need to watch out this season, because you need to know how the change affect your skin and appearance. During rainy season, we tend to skip the sunscreen routine because there are no bright sunlight and humidity makes us forget to moisturise. Rainy season may seem pleasant for the skin, but that doesn’t mean we can skip the skincare routine and risk our skin looking as dull as the weather.
There are routine that we still should do no matter what season we’re in. First is sunscreen. Despite looking cloudy, the sun is still there and when you’re out there, the skin is still exposed to the sun. There shouldn’t be a reason to cut down on sunscreen. Sun exposure is said to be one of the main culprits to dull and uneven skin tones. Don’t let your guard down by still applying the SPF 30 sunscreen even on rainy days.
Second is beauty routine. The season may change but your beauty routine should still be the same: exfoliate, clean, tone and moisturize. Dirt and pollutants are still out there despite the fresh feeling after the rain. Many also ended up skipping the last part because humidity may give you the wrong impression about your skin dryness. Whatever season you’re on, moisturizer is still one of the most important part of your beauty routine, especially when you want your skin to glow.
Then there are routines you need to watch out for, that might contribute to your dull appearance like taking hot showers. While it’s nice to jump into a hot shower as you returned from drenched rain out there, remember that hot water may strip your skin off its natural moisturizer. It’s best to stick with lukewarm water for shower and cold water for washing your face.

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During rainy season, many also forget hydration because it’s cool out there and you’re not sweating as much. But when you don’t drink enough water, your skin will suffer. Even though water is the best for hydration, other forms of liquids like fresh juices can always be an option. New season also means a lot of different fresh fruits are available. So, take advantages of those and bring some home as alternatives.
Change in season doesn’t mean you need to change your routine. Make a few adjustments and make sure your skin still gets the best of your care.